NSW schools offer special religious education and special education in ethics where available.
Special Religious Education and Special Education in Ethics
A feature of the public education system in NSW is the opportunity to provide time in class for education in ethics, faith and morality from a religious or non-religious perspective at the choice of parents. At Concord West PS, students are offered 30 minutes of Special Religious Education (SRE/Scripture) or Special Eduacation in Ethics (SEE) every week on a Tuesday.
Students not attending SRE or SEE are given supervised alternative meaningful activities (Non Scripture).
Parents/carers may choose to change groups at any time by notifying the school in writing using the following form: Scripture/Ethics Choices form (PDF)
The following options are provided at Concord West Public School:
Option 1: Catholic
Option 2: Hindu
Option 3: Islamic
Option 4: Orthodox
Option 5: Protestant
Option 6: Alternative Meaningful Activities (Non Scripture)
Option 7: Special Education in Ethics
The approved providers of SRE/SEE at Concord West PS and links to the curricula provided by each organisation are listed below:
Catholic Approved provider: Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney Curriculum: https://ccd.sydneycatholic.org/publications/curriculum-resources/ |
Ethics Approved provider: Primary Ethics Ltd Curriculum: https://primaryethics.com.au/ |
Hindu Approved provider: The Saiva Manram Curriculum: https://hinducouncil.com.au/new/sre-special-religious-education-in-nsw-schools/ |
Islam Approved provider: Islamic Council of NSW Curriculum: https://www.isre.org.au/ |
Orthodox Approved provider: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia Curriculum: https://www.iccoreis.asn.au/teaching-sre/sre-curriculum/ |
Protestant Approved providers: Anglican Diocese of Sydney; Baptist Union of NSW; Presbyterian Church in NSW Curriculum: https://cepconnect.com.au/curriculum |
For more information on SRE/SEE in public schools, visit the NSW Department of Education's Religion and ethics page.